Advancing the Art of Healing for Healthcare and Tissue Bank Professionals
Designed for Tissue Banks
From the ground up, Exsurco Medical engineered the Amalgatome® MD* and the Amalgatome® SK* – a leap forward in tissue removal technology that allow technicians to work faster and recover higher yields. The result? Donated skin and tissue heals more wounds, restores patient confidence, and contributes to groundbreaking research
Amalgatome MD - Exsurco continues to redefine excision science with this innovative skin recovery product. Designed specifically for use in tissue banks, the unique rotary design allows technicians to maneuver over body contours and hard-to-reach areas that are challenging for standard allograft recovery techniques.
Amalgatome SK - This full thickness tissue processing product was developed to improve the process of removing adipose tissue from a full-thickness allograft donor. Its advanced and ergonomic design delivers comfort during use while providing an effective and efficient solution to the technician for producing high-quality, full-thickness skin grafts.
* For cadaveric use only.
Proven Technology Expands to Surgical Device
Exsurco Medical's innovative and proprietary excision design is a critical step in launching our new surgical device for healthcare professionals. The Amalgatome® SD skin grafting and wound debridement device is now available for patient use in the operating room for burn and trauma patients.
Amalgatome SD - This pneumatically powered, surgical skin grafting and wound debridement device is capable of producing varying thicknesses of skin grafts 0.005″ to 0.045″. The same device provides effective wound debridement, including removal of necrotic tissue and eschar. The device is intended for wound site preparation of the surgical site in applications (acute, chronic wounds, and burns) that – in the physician’s judgement – require debridement and sharp debridement.
With varying size cutting heads (2″ and 4″), cutting depth adjustment during surgery, a continuously operating excision ring blade, and ease of use, the multi-purpose Amalgatome SD device provides potential for efficient use of both the surgeon’s time and scheduled operating room time for the patient in need of the healing power of skin.
Amalgatome SD Training And Instructional Videos
This is a surgical device indicated for skin grafting and wound excision and debridement. Within these videos, you can select and open individual training modules to review specific content about using and operating the Amalgatome SD.

Consensus White Paper Now Available on the Benefits of the Amalgatome® SD
Exsurco Medical is pleased to announce that a peer reviewed consensus paper has been published in the Eplasty Journal online titled "Consensus on the Benefits of the Exsurco Medical Amalgatome SD in the Treatment of Burns and Other Wounds."
The advisory panel found that the Amalgatome SD Skin Grafting and Wound Debridement Device provides better speed, precision, and patient safety in debridement and skin graft harvesting. Please click on the link below to read the article and discover all the benefits of the Amalgatome SD, including: superior results for consistency of thickness of excised tissue, maneuverability on operating surface, and ease of use.
Get the full article here or download the PDF
Consensus on the Benefits of Exsurco Medical ASD in Burns and other Wounds_eplasty
Surgical/Healthcare Testimonials
Tissue Bank Testimonials
“Thank you so much for all your support in this endeavor to convert to your product. As I have told you before, the Amalgatome®SD is so fantastic, if someone told us we would have to go back to using the other company's dermatomes I think I would have to quit doing burn cases”
– Dr. John Griswold M.D., FACS, Medical Director-
Timothy J. Harnar Burn Center, Texas Tech University Medical Center.
“The Amalgatome has increased my efficiency immensely and I use it not only to take skin grafts but to debride as well. This has decreased my operating time by more than 50 percent. I performed a 40 percent burn in 40 min instead of the usual 2 hour allotment. The decrease in anesthesia and operating room time has benefited not only my patients, but the doctors as well as the hospital”.
– Dr. Andrea Dunkelman, MD, FACS, Medical Director, Orange County Burn Center
"The Amalgatome SD is one of the best advances in burn care in recent years. Through a single device the Surgeon can both excise necrotic tissue and harvest a skin graft. This allows you to harvest more available tissue and excise tissue in a more uniform fashion."
– Dr. Peter Grossman, MD, FACS, Medical Director, Grossman Burn Center
"The Amalgatome SD will improve burn care by: Debriding as well as skin grafting, increasing the speed of the operation, improving fidelity of control, improving consistency in donor harvest, safer use by pulling the device vs. pushing during harvesting, improving value cost ratio, and minimizing materials and set in OR. And the biggest factor I see is improving donor yield in big burn cases."
– Dr. Tim Pittinger, MD, FACS, Akron Children's Hospital
"Used the Amalgatome today in a REALLY deep anhydrous burn; T’was in the Axilla and not sure how I would have excised it with a straight blade effectively. "
– Jeff Litt, DO, FACS, University of Missouri, Clinical Assistant Surgery Professor, Medical Director, Burn and Wound Program
I first heard of the Amalgatome® MD while attending an AATB conference. The product appealed to me in a couple of ways. After speaking with Exsurco, I knew that we needed to give the product a try. The difference between a traditional methods and the Amalgatome MD were all the things we were struggling with.
-Roy Mayfield
Supervisor of Tissue Recovery
Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network
News & Education
Can your Excision tool do This?
More Uniform Grafts with the Amalgatome SD
Amalgatome SD Improves Graft Take
Amalgatome SD outcomes presented at Southern Region Burn