
Committed to New Beginnings: Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors

Nothing Heals People like Other People..

Exsurco is proud to be a partner of Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors and supports the community of burn survivors, their loved ones, health professionals, and firefighters.  We are a proud sponsor of their annual conference and happy to promote their celebration of survivors on the below link:

The Phoenix Society promise is simple but powerful: you are not alone. You can get back to living. We can help, with caring people to share the journey and resources to make it easier.  Uniting the voice of the burn community across the globe to profoundly advance lifelong healing, optimal recovery, and burn prevention.

Exsurco Medical aims to help raise awareness of the importance of the work of Phoenix Society and work together to support recovery, improve the quality of burn care, and prevent burn injury.

We’re joining with other companies and volunteers across the country to emphasize the importance and impact Phoenix Society has in the burn community and beyond.

About Phoenix Society
A 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity.  Everyone affected by a burn injury deserves the support and tools they need to thrive again. They help  ensure that burn survivors everywhere get back to living.


Spiegel Burn Foundation Support:

We are proud to be a part of this organization who's mission is to focus is on assisting survivors of burns and burn related injuries to learn to live with many of the new concerns and issues that are now before them. Most people don’t realize that scars of a serious burn injury never go away. The physical, emotional and economic damage can, and often do, last a lifetime.

This foundation has assisted Exsurco on working with individual burn centers across the country to provide our Amalgatome SD surgical device for skin grafting and wound debridement.  We are thankful for their tireless work to bring "better into surgical operating rooms".


Spiegel Burn Foundation

Committed to Saving and Healing Lives: Donate Life America

Advocating for Tissue Donation Across America

Exsurco believes in the healing power of skin and our core values express our belief that tissue donation saves lives.

As a corporate sponsor of Donate Life America, Exsurco Medical supports efforts to spread the word about the importance of tissue, organ, and eye donation.

Exsurco Medical aims to help raise awareness of the importance of tissue donation and the impact it has on the ability to heal lives.  The gift of skin to someone in need provides precious grafts to promote and heal.

We’re joining with other companies and volunteers across the country to emphasize the importance of registering as donors. It’s a fundamental act of kindness that helps others live.

About Donate Life America
Donate Life America is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit alliance of national organizations and state teams across the United States committed to increasing the number of donated organs, eyes and tissue available for transplant to save and heal lives.

By the Numbers

Currently, more than 114,000 men, women, and children in America are awaiting lifesaving organ transplants. That includes more than 2,000 pediatric patients. Data below is for 2018 (as of November 30, 2018):


Organ transplants performed in America


Organ donors in America


Tissue transplants performed in America


U.S. organ transplant waiting list


Registered organ donors in America (58% of U.S. Adult population)

The Organ Donor Shortage is Real

The Science of Tissue Transplantation

Amidst the constantly changing world of medicine, innovative research from some of the world’s leading surgeons is finding new ways to use donated human tissue to treat a host of medical conditions. This tissue, referred to as allograft tissue, is donated by registered donors and their families, in the same way organs are donated, and it is used in many life-saving and enhancing medical procedures already, with numerous new opportunities on the horizon.

Donated human tissue is used in many surgical applications, saving peoples’ lives and limbs daily. Allograft tissue is used to replace damaged structures in the body, from the ligaments and tendons of major league sports players, bones and joints of military men and women, to the musculoskeletal structures, teeth, skin, and spinal components of people in need.

The possibilities for the use of human tissue in modern medicine are exciting. Surgeons are researchers are learning more about the growth biology of the human body, about regenerating bone and tissue and using donor stem cells to re-grow physical structures. More information is coming to light to achieve long-term success with groundbreaking procedures such as full limb transplantation.

The story of Jeremy

The Story Of Jeremy

Ten years ago, Jeremy Warriner, of Indianapolis, was driving home from work when a teenage driver made a mistake, forcing Warriner’s car off the road. His vehicle hit a utility pole, leaving him trapped. After the impact the vehicle caught fire. Warriner was pulled from the wreckage, but not before suffering fourth degree burns to the majority of both legs.

Watch video and read about Jeremy's story >

What You Can Do

Your commitment may help a person from dying needlessly because life-giving organs or tissue were available to them at their critical time of need. And for that, we thank you.

Take a moment to register at Donate Life America. It’s quick and easy to do.